recently published
1: Introduction: Know Thyself, Richard Gipps and Michael Lacewing
I. Intellectual Pre-History
2: Intellectual Pre-History: Introduction, Richard Gipps and Michael Lacewing
3: Psychoanalytic Theory: A Historical Reconstruction, Sebastian Gardner
4: From Recognition to Intersubjectivity: Hegel and Psychoanalysis, Molly Macdonald
5: Schopenhauer and Freud, Andrew Brook and Christopher Young
6: From Geschlechtstrieb to Sexualtrieb: The Originality of Freud's Conception of Sexuality, Stella Sandford
7: A Better Self: Freud and Nietzsche on the Nature and Value of Sublimation, Ken Gemes
II. 20th Century Engagements
8: Twentieth Century Engagements: Introduction, Richard Gipps and Michael Lacewing
9: Merleau-Ponty and Psychoanalysis, James Phillips
10: Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis, Donald Levy
11: "In Psychoanalysis Nothing is True but the Exaggerations": Freud and the Frankfurt School, Martin Jay
12: Ricoeur's Freud, Richard Bernstein
III. Clinical Theory
13: Clinical Theory: Introduction, Richard Gipps and Michael Lacewing
14: Imagination and Reason, Method and Mourning in Freudian Psychoanalysis, Jonathan Lear
15: "A Ritual of Discourse": Conceptualizing and Re-conceptualizing the Analytic Relationship, Judith Hughes
16: 1. Symbolism, the primary process, and dreams: Freud's contribution, Agnes Petocz
17: Wishfulfilment, Tamas Pataki
18: Integrating Unconscious Belief, Adam Leite
19: Making the Unconscious Conscious, David Finkelstein
IV. Phenomenology and Science
20: Phenomenology and Science: Introduction, Richard Gipps and Michael Lacewing
21: Complexities in the Evaluation of the Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis, Morris Eagle
22: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Jim Hopkins
23: How Should We Understand the Psychoanalytic Unconscious?, Michael Lacewing
24: A New Kind of Song: Psychoanalysis as Revelation, Richard Gipps
25: Body Memory and the Unconscious, Thomas Fuchs
V. Aesthetics
26: Aesthetics: Introduction, Michael Lacewing and Richard Gipps
27: On Richard Wollheim's Psychoanalytically Informed Philosophy of Art, Damien Freeman
28: Literary Form and Mentalization, Elisa Galgut
29: Psychoanalysis and Film, Damian Cox and Michael Levine
VI. Religion
30: Religion: Introduction, Michael Lacewing and Richard Gipps
31: Psychoanalysis and Religion, John Cottingham
32: Psychoanalytic Thinking on Religious Truth and Conviction, Rachel Blass
33: The No-Thing of God: Psychoanalysis of Religion After Lacan, Richard Boothby
VII. Ethics
34: Ethics: Introduction, Michael Lacewing and Richard Gipps
35: Hiding from Love: The Repressed Insight in Freud's Account of Morality, Joel Backström
36: Human Excellence and Psychic Health in Psychoanalysis, Edward Harcourt
37: Evolution, Childhood and the Moral Self, Darcia Narvaez
VIII. Politics and Society
38: Politics and Society: Introduction, Michael Lacewing and Richard Gipps
39: Psychoanalysis, Politics and Society: What Remains Radical in Psychoanalysis?, Stephen Frosh
40: Epistemic Anxiety, Michael Rustin
41: Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century: Does Gender Matter?, Louise Gyler
42: 1. Political Philosophy in Freud: War, Destruction, and the Critical Faculty, Judith Butler
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